Check out Cementa17 Info booth when you get into town
Gilbert Grace talking up The Hemp Initiative
The hemp crowd!
Making hemp paper.
Tony Bond is serving up soup at the House of Shade and Shadows
Anne Graham and Tony Bond serving light refreshment at the House of Shade and Shadows
Jack Randell serving up free pins
Teena McCarthy and Tony Albert with their brand new artist generated secret pin numbers
Linda Brescia wandering the streets of Kandos, comforting people with her otherness
Talking to the folk
John Douglas making his mountain
He needs to make more mountain
Jenny More contributing her drafting skills
Dauntless Movement Crew impressed at the Kandos High School end of term assembly
Thom Roberts drawing masterpieces from the crowns of people’s heads
The bugs in your hair
The view from Miriam Williamson and Brad Allen Waterson’s Bag Hut
And then we had a massive big party!
Good Night Day 1
All photographs by Gus Armstrong and Alex Wisser
Absolutely my favourite over all Cementa’s was last nights production of 6 Quick Chicks. Laughed out loud well and truly. Fabulous. I realised how much I miss live theatre living in the beautiful Capertee Valley. But we can do this people: it is uplifting, fun and enriched with other peoples experiences. Thank you, thank you