Featured artist: Wendy Murray invites you to participate in a lo-fi analogue poster-making workshop. Suspend your disbelief and step with Wendy and associates through this guided workshop.
In 40-minutes, you will learn to design a lo-fi poster that stops people: Helping them ponder and engage with your message in a different way.
The workshop includes a brief history of the turbulent 1968-71 era by focusing on the DIY agitprop poster-making and guerrilla repurposing culture that evolved during the UC Berkley student strike.
Prepare A4 paper, a pencil eraser, a marker and a highlighter. And immerse yourself (as if it were ‘live’) in a fresh blend of typography, language, and Wendy’s passion for social change.
A Gift: Wendy shares a trade secret: a wheat paste-up combo that is both Council and weatherproof!
A little action can make a great change by Wendy Murray. Livestream cut: David Ryan
About: So’21 is an as-live-streamed public program. It is at once a memorial to the spirit of (what would have been) Cementa21, and a celebration of the irreverent, fun-loving and undiscouraged community soul of our artists and our festival IRL.
NEXT So’21 POST | 14th Sept 2022 | Walk Down In Lockdown with Kath Fries
Nostalgic for more digital shenanigans? | Relive So’21 live HERE.