Anne Graham

The Lost City | 2022

The Lost City, 2022, Wool, Steel, Wood, Dye. Photo Ian Hobbs
The Lost City, 2022, Wool, Steel, Wood, Dye. Photo Ian Hobbs
The Lost City. @ Combamalong Studios
‘The Lost City’ is a response to endangered Pagodas of The Lost City located close to Lithgow. The carved sandstone is beautiful; it resonates with the subliminal suggestion of past glory and of power lying in ruin. The softer organic layers of dyed felted wool are slowly engulfing the stone; they echo the stratas evident in the landscape of the Pagoda Country. Courtesy – Kronenberg, Mais, Wright


Anne Graham has exhibited in many curated exhibitions and created major site-specific artworks nationally and internationally. She has worked extensively in China, Japan, Sweden and France undertaking many commissions and residencies, including a residency from The Power Institute of Fine Arts at The Cite in Paris. She has recently exhibited work at the KMW Gallery, Sydney, The Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, Bathurst, Tamworth and Wollongong Regional Galleries and exhibited extensively with the local artists group Modern Art Projects Blue Mountains.Her most recent work was exhibited in Fabrik at the Penrith Regional Gallery, November-March 2021,The Chinese Cultural Centre Sydney, March -April 2021 and is now installed as a sculptural centre piece in The Gang Gang Gallery Lithgow.


Anne Graham’s research focuses on investigations of identity and space. When she first moved to NSW she lived in central Sydney and her installations often responded to the underbelly of the city, the in-between places, the untended spaces between buildings occupied by transient visitors. She transformed these unheimlich places into places for interaction, eating, talking, and forming small communities.Since 2010 she has lived in Kanimbla Valley in regional NSW and this place is now informing her work. She has the time to listen to the sounds, observe the skies, look at the extraordinary colours of this landscape as the weather and the seasons change. She has also become aware of the urgent need to protect this extraordinary place. She is hopeful that an aesthetic understanding through art works and a critical and social movement can turn the damage around.

Materials | Carved sandstone, felted dyed wool, plywood
Location | Combamalong Studios
The Lost City, 2022, Wool, Steel, Wood, Dye. Photo Ian Hobbs