June Golland

Giving up the ghost | 2024

June Golland photo Alex Wisser
Giving up the ghost. @ 70 Fleming Street
June Golland has had ghost inklings all her life. As a child growing up in Central West NSW, she heard a lot about ghost houses and ghost towns. June thinks so much about ghosts, ghost places, and ghost things that she sometimes she thinks she might be one. Ghost Story makes visible ghosts from the past, present and future of Kandos with help from The Uncooperative and community.


June Golland is a multidisciplinary artist who grew up in Central West NSW and now lives in Bathurst, on the land of the Wiradjuri people. June was a founding member of WAYOUT Artspace in Kandos in 2019 and took a leave of absence in 2021/2022 to join the Firstdraft Board of Directors. June used these foundational ARI experiences to initiate professional development opportunities for her peers, including co-founding Groundfloor Initiative with artist Betty Russ in 2022. June doesn’t mind the city, but her heart is in the regions and in 2024. June is returning to Cementa Festival, having previously exhibited in the 2015 festival. June’s recent work formed part of West of Central at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery in 2023 and she has also exhibited at Western Plains Cultural Centre (Dubbo) and Blue Mountains Cultural Centre (Katoomba).


My art practice likes to poke about in the detritus of my personal and emotional life to see what makes me and people around me laugh or cry. I’m obsessed with her own mortality and I mine these fears and anxieties, alongside collected archives of deceased loved ones, to create installations, sculptural and collage works that explore the temporality of our lives and the slippery nature of personal and historical archives. Like my memories of the past and hopes for the future, my installations are ephemeral and endlessly reconfigurable, resisting completion. My works exist in a flux state, often made and re-made, rarely presenting the same way twice.

Materials | mixed
Location | 70 Fleming Street
a cementa background pic
June Golland photo Alex Wisser
2024 Artists