Georgia Banks

The Cementa Debutante Ball | 2024

photo Gemma Swain
The Cementa Debutante Ball. @ Kandos Community Centre Hall
A party (event) invoking the regional tradition of the debutante ball - with an emphasis on the double meaning of ‘coming out’ in society. Guests attending the deb are encouraged to invite dates of the same gender to attend with them. This work was developed in response to conversations with young people local to Kandos, and from the artist’s own experiences growing up in regional Australia.


Georgia Banks makes performance art even when you think she doesn’t. Her most interesting work won’t happen until after she’s dead - she hopes it’s good but will never know. Georgia has been banned from Tinder, sued by the estate of Hannah Wilke, and awarded ‘Miss Social Impact’ in a national beauty pageant. She would like to go viral, break a Guinness World Record, and be in an actual episode of Black Mirror instead of making her own. Georgia has never had a filling nor broken a bone (although she has been crucified) and once was convinced she’d accidentally sliced away a part of her labia during a performance (she hadn’t).


For over 5 years, I have rigorously delved into the world of Reality TV and AI - exploring ideas of death, fame and legacy - fearlessly provoking viewers to critically engage with the ineffable ways in which these mediums shape and influence our very identities and relationships, and the zeitgeist of our nation more broadly.

Materials | Performance
Location | Kandos Community Centre Hall
2024 Artists