Venessa Possum

ngarra mana gubangali | 2024

Ngurra bayali - Country speaking
Ngurra bayali - Country speaking", 22nd Biennale of Sydney
ngarra mana gubangali. @ Kandos Public School
My artist residency at Wayout Artspace highlighted ways of being in Dabee Country as a Dharug visitor with connections to Wiradjuri Country through Mandagary, on my matriarchal line. Experiencing Dabee Country included being welcomed by Custodians and more-than-human ecologies. I extended my bush dye practice with buran (stringybark) and Dabee rainwater collected during my residency. These signify an archive being presented with a poetic video documenting my sense of connectedness.


Venessa Possum is a Dharug artist living in the Blue Mountains. She leads an active traditional and creative life, known for her sensorial and innovative visualisations of Dharug material cultures and video installations. Her regional research includes developing creative projects igniting Dharug dhalang - the Sydney language. Venessa’s work titled Ngurra bayali (Country speaking) - incorporating mundowi (bloodwood), and gubidj (white ochre) - was selected for Nirin Ngaay, the 22nd Biennale of Sydney. Possum holds a 1st class honours in Fine Art, a Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art, and is a candidate for a Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Art at the Queensland College of Art and Design, Griffith University.


I am a Dharug artist based in Gulamada - the Blue Mountains. My art is founded in experiential creative practices, including collecting site specific material cultures and imprinting these with Ancestral values. I am passionate about developing an immersive regional curatorial practice to echo these practices as well as strengthening my sense of cultural belonging. Artworks made on my Homelands include Dhalang language and elements of poetic storytelling to create powerful and meaningful connections. My ultimate goal is to centre Ngurra bayali (Country speaking) wherever my art takes me.

Materials | buran (stringybark), Dabee rainwater and cloth, single track video projection
Location | Kandos Public School
Venessa Possum badu biyani water Healing 2023 Venessa Possum
2024 Artists