Willowa A Carter

My Blood, My Body | 2024

Willowa Carter, photo Alex Wisser
My Blood, My Body. @ St Dominics Church Hall
Act 1: Bringing together, a tea gathering. This is a simple act of gathering, coming together to connect for afternoon tea. Act 2: Confession of the heart. In this act I ask participants to confess a single sorrow of their heart. Act 3: Binding words and stories. Participants will create Butaricas, a stick which is decorated in either colour wood shavings, ribbons or paper. Act 4: Acceptance. I will be performing a simple ceremony of reflective connection. A grounding to land and the offering to her.


Willowa A Carter (Née Nusdorfer) was born 1969 in Gadigal country, first generation, descendant of Litteral/Gorizia region, Slovenija. A multidisciplined contemporary artist, Carter completed her Diploma in Fashion Technology & Design in the late eighties. Completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western Sydney University in 2008 majoring in sculpture and screen arts. Carter has exhibited within Australia, first solo exhibition at Wollongong Art Gallery in 2007. Carter designs and facilitates creative skill developing programs and in late 2017 after a residency in Hawai’i Carter was diagnosed with IIH & Complex PTSD which has shifted the direction in her art practice. In 2021 she commenced creating a sensory range of artwork aids from upcycled textiles to assist with anxiety, hypersensitive and memory. Her artworks are in private collections throughout the world and Australia. Carter’s current studio is in Wiradjuri country, Lithgow.


I grew up in a rich mental and emotional environment, having had farmer parents who were children of a world war, filtered with my own health complexities, my art practice often is the practical process to work through trauma via my filters of perception. My current body of work is exploring intergenerational trauma. Upcycled materials are my foundation in creating works. I have worked with many materials from innerspring mattresses to kitchen gadgets, I would say my material is sourced from disregarded household objects, mostly textiles. Finding my mark’, a recent body of work, with handmade linen and lace doilies, crafted by my late mother. I am exploring the impact upon past, present and future generational trauma. As my practice progresses, I aim to expand my practice’s reaches working beyond the Arts into Mental Health and Education.

Materials | performance and sculpture (mixed medium)
Location | St Dominics Church Hall
a cementa background pic
Willowa Carter, photo Julie Williams
2024 Artists