Beata Geyer was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her practice encompasses a variety of media ranging from painting, photography and video to large scale, site-specific installation. Geyer graduated from the Sydney College of the Arts with a Masters of Visual Arts where she also attained BVA Honours 1st class. She previously studied Architecture and Urban Design at the Warsaw University of Technology and Photography and Design in London at the City of Westminster College. Geyer has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Europe, Middle East, US and Australia. She has received numerous awards, grants and residencies such as Gadens Artist in Residence, Artspace Studio Residency, NAVA Marketing Grant, NSW Artists’ Grant and Australia Council for the Arts Skills and Development Grant. She has been finalist in the Helen Lempriere Travelling Art Scholarship, RBS Artists Award, Hidden, Fisher’s Ghost Art Award, ROGAP and Sculpture at the Scenic World.
Beata’s artistic practice explores various intersections between painting, sculpture and architecture. Neither painting, nor sculpture, her installations are conceptual elaborations upon colour, space and form. Abstract, direct and temporal, her work responds to site, engaging with the architectonics of exhibiting spaces and topographies of locations.