Katrina Brennan

Kennel Crafters | 2022

Kennel Crafters, Cementa 22 photo Ianhobbs
Kennel Crafters, Cementa 22 photo Ianhobbs
Kennel Crafters. @ Kandos Crafters
‘Kennel Crafters’ honours the local canines of Kandos. Studio A artists Katrina Brennan and Meagan Pelham encountered countless friendly dogs during their multiple artist residencies. Inspired by these pretty pups, the artists will transform the Kandos Crafters store into an altar paying homage to the pets we love. Using textiles, sculpture and drawing, the shopfront window will become a glowing homage. Throughout the festival the artists Katrina and Meagan will be live on site knitting bespoke puppy collars adorned with personalised pet portraits. Please drop in to experience the artists at work and of course bring your canine. This project has been supported by Studio A and the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.


Born in Orange, NSW, Katrina lives and works in Orange. The newest member of Studio A travels across the state to pursue her art. Katrina catches the bus weekly all the way from Orange. When she walks in the door, Katrina’s enthusiasm matches the electricity of her graphic artwork. Colourful patterns created largely with texta flow from Katrina’s fingers. Her patterns pulse and swirl, vibrating with life force. 2021: Project 2060: Homeward Bound, Coal Loader, Waverton. 2020: Mobile Colour, Cement Fondu Gallery, Paddington. 2019: Home, Sub Base Platypus, Harbour Trust, North Sydney, Peacock Wallaby & Crows Nesting, Peacock Gallery, Auburn. 2019: Commission for University of Technology Sydney, Bird Life Jungle Disco, 175 sqm mural, UTS Central Food Court, Sydney. (Collaboration with seven Studio A artists). 2019: In residence at Peacock Gallery, Auburn Botanic Gardens.


For Katrina her art fuels her pulse; she says, ‘Art is in my blood’. When she is feeling stressed, Katrina imagines her art process … ‘I think about the grid. I think about the squares in my head and my pen filling them in. I find it so relaxing. It’s like melting in my head, and then I’m not stressed anymore’. Her favourite artist is English op art painter Bridget Riley. Katrina’s ambition is to experiment with optical illusions herself. She aims to make her patterns appear three-dimensional.

Kennel Crafters, Cementa 22 photo Ianhobbs