Michael Petchkovsky is an artist, organiser and technician who divides his time living between the Blue Mountains west of Sydney and the Snowy Monaro region in South East NSW. His practice in contemporary electronic media stems from an undergraduate training in Jewellery and Object Design at Sydney College of the Arts in the 1990s. He completed Master of Studio Art and Master of Fine Art postgraduate studies at SCA in 2012 and 2016. With a strong focus on community oriented, collectively implemented, DIY solutions, his work aims to explore and facilitate discourse around social change at the meeting points of our sciences, arts and cultures. In daily life he is busily implementing affordable and sustainable housing solutions at the aforementioned Blue Mountains and Snowy Monaro abodes.
My practice explores the ways our tools and technologies both represent and affect our lives. Navigating personal, political and poetic ways of being in the contemporary sphere. Finding liveness in media that are material and virtual and conceptual, and engaging therewith. Situated within the dynamic junctures of fields, arts and technology, nature and social construction, matter and energy, there lie mindfully present, historically cognizant and future tense generative pathways for activist and agential, hybrid and relational process. As much as we live and relate our worlds we are making them, being with them, sharing them in their earthy roots and their yearning reaches into the unknown.