6PM RAILWAY HOTEL: Welcome to Country by Lyn Syme; opening speech by Kent Buchanan, Western Plains Cultural Centre; launch of Futurelands2 newspaper by Kandos School of Cultural Adaptation; Pagoda Parkour preview by PYT | Fairfield; cabaret sneak peak by Six Quick Chicks; 6.40PM RAILWAY HOTEL: Boris Hunt Eclectronica and Opening Night Buffet Dinner; 7.15PM 79 ANGUS AVE: SIX QUICKS CHICKS comedy cabaret; 8.15PM KANDOS COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL: A Galaxy of Suns with Michaela Gleave, Amanda Cole, Warren Armstrong & the Cudgegong Choir: a vocal chorus will sing the motions of the stars; 9PM RAILWAY HOTEL: Opening Night Party with The Mumps (Tina Havelock Stevens, Liberty Kerr, Adele Pickvance) – Post-rock transcendental power tunes with Super 8 visuals by Tina Havelock Stevens
Opening night celebrations take place across four venues in downtown Kandos, beginning with an Evensong service at St Laurence Church; progressing to opening speeches, buffet dinner, announcements and performances at the Railway Hotel; moving on to Six Quick Chicks comedy cabaret at 79 Angus Avenue; then to A Galaxy of Suns, a major choral performance at the Kandos Community Centre Hall before returning to the Railway Hotel to party with The Mumps.