Peachey & Mosig

Relic garden | 2022

Relic garden, Mixed Media. Photo Ian Hobbs
Relic garden, Mixed Media. Photo Ian Hobbs
Relic garden. @ St Dominics Prayer Room
Our time in Kandos was shaped by quiet days in an uncultivated field, our work inspired by a glorious mess of a garden filled with overlooked artefacts. These places: left to do their own thing without a care for productivity or meaning, ordered by forces that are hard to ascertain at first glance. We were often reminded of John Knight’s work, ‘The Right to be Lazy’, drawing its name from an essay published in 1883 by Karl Marx’s son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, which argues heavily against conservative, religious and socialist ideas of work, instead championing laziness and creativity as being the most important catalysts for human progress. Performance credit Ben Ward, solo double bass improvisation.


Rachel Peachey & Paul Mosig are multi-media artists who have been working together for over 15 years around a shared interest in human/environment relationships, using movement, photography, video, sound, sculpture and textiles to document their response to particular landscapes. They currently live and work on the land of the Dharug and Gundungurra people in the Blue Mountains and often travel to make work in different landscapes, sometimes in collaboration with their two children. They recently toured with Ensemble Offspring performing live video accompaniment to new Australian compositions and their video art installations have recently been exhibited at the Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France, Cambridge Artworks Artspace, England and at the SkeiðaráHlaup Performance Festival, Iceland.


Peachey & Mosig are engaged in ongoing deliberate explorations of various landscapes. Their creative approach is based around the process of field studies - returning to specific landscapes over time and the process of play - interaction with each other and the environment with no particular outcome in mind. The characteristics of the environment they inhabit, along with their internal emotional state constantly varies the outcome of their work even though their approach essentially remains the same. The primary theoretical approach that informs their work is the study of Human Ecology, that is the trans-disciplinary study of systems theory, applying the principles of ecosystems’ sciences to the study of the human environment.

Materials | Mixed Media
Location | St Dominics Prayer Room
Peacey & Mosig in Relic garden. Photo Gus Armstrong.