Since 2008, SCM has presented over 50 events worldwide with over 3000 participants in such spaces as churches, galleries, libraries, public squares, parklands and lakes. SCM has featured at the Asia Pacific Triennial, QAGOMA Brisbane; FutureEverything, Manchester; Het Nutshuis, The Hague; Central Park, MATA Festival, New York; Spitalfields Music Festival, London; Library of Birmingham; Prague Quadrennial; Liquid Architecture Festival, Brisbane; Sydney Opera House; Australian Design Centre, Sydney; Federation Square, Melbourne; and Arts Centre Melbourne. SCM’s performance work Moving Collected Ambience was recently collected by the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. SCM is directed by artists and composers Julian Day and Luke Jaaniste.
Super Critical Mass (SCM) brings together local participants to create site-responsive sonic fields in public places, working with identical sound sources and generative instructions. Thus, SCM is an ongoing experiment in how humans perceive, relate to and interact within public space. Using the active ingredients of sound, space and social connections in creative workshops and public performances, SCM examines the nature of particular locations (their use, sociopolitical function, acoustics, topographies), of community (how it builds or falters, who it includes and excludes), of networks (emergence, order and chaos, self-guiding feedback loops) and how sound functions within these factors (how it resonates, dissipates, attracts and repels.